Saturday, June 23, 2012

Shabbat Update

Well, I guess that the last part of this week got away from me a little. There was a lot of reading, had to finish that Scripture reading paper on the restoration of Israel, and then there was our first exam that we took yesterday. So here is what's going on.

The professor had given us a study question list for the exam. The other students and I divided them among us and we answered 1 or 2 questions each. Then we got together to make sure that we understood each others' answers. That was on Wednesday. After that, which went until about 8:00pm, I finished the reading that due for Thursday and the paper that was due. That took me straight up until 1:00am. Fun!

Thursday evening, Kim helped me and another student to study. I have always found that the small group environment, where I can just talk about a subject, has helped me prepare for an exam better than any other kind of venue. And that was how the other student felt, as well. So for about 3 hours, Kim served as a moderator of a discussion that spanned the subjects of the purpose of God's creation, the covenants of God in the Old Testament and how they have been developed in the new, and the overall purpose of Israel and how she accomplishes that purpose both now and in the future. It was really a great conversation. And Kim was amazing!!!

Friday morning we took the first exam. There were 19 true/false questions, 3 multiple choice, and 6 short paragraph answers (not really short answer questions and not really essay questions, but somewhere in between). Following the exam, I asked the professor about his policy on returning papers and grades. He said that we should have the grades back Monday. Funny that about 3 hours later, sitting at lunch, one of the other students blurted out, "Hey. Did you see that the grades are posted?" So I went and checked. And while I don't like to be boastful, in the interest of keeping you up to date on how I'm doing, I should tell you that I received a 100 on the exam. (Which I did.)

So the pressure is off, at least for the day. Last night, the Talbot students had a nice little Kabbalat Shabbat service to start the Sabbath off right. A little bit of singing, a challah, some grape juice, and bunch of theology students kicking their shoes off and just celebrating God and each other on His day of rest. It was really nice.

Michael and Heather drove down last night, as well, and will be hanging out with us today, driving back tonight to Twenty-Nine Palms. We are going to visit Shuvah Yisrael Messianic Congregation in Irvine this morning for Shabbat, and then not sure what we are going to do. I do know that we are planning on having lunch with Steve and Misti Wiggins, friends of ours who also happen to lead the worship at Shuvah. So that's our plan, we are going to stick to it as much as the Lord will allow, and I will check back in either tonight or tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Shabbat!

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