Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Praises and Prayers after 1 Day

So we have completed the first day of class, and things are going pretty good. I have found that in the often-controversial realm of eschatology, after 4 hours, I am amazed that I still agree with 90% of what the professor is teaching. At some point, I will have to teach him why he is wrong.

Was able to get the reading done that was due for today, primarily because the study questions that were due I had completed before coming out here. That will change moving forward, though, because that was the only work that I was able to complete before coming out here. From this point forward, all of the reading and study questions will need to be completed here, as well.

I have almost completed the Scripture reading that is due for Thursday. It involves reading Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and large sections from Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. All of this is with an eye on three topics.
1. The restoration of the nation of Israel,
2. The purpose of the restoration of the nation, and
3. The relationship of Israel and/or Israel's Messiah to the other nations
Fascinating stuff. I still need to read about half of Zechariah and then Zephaniah, and then the reading is complete. However, I have to also write a two-page summary paper due Thursday as well. I have found that as I have been reading, I have been taking copious notes. Not including whatever notes I take on the second half of Zechariah and Zephaniah, I already have 14 pages of notes. It should be interesting trying to summarize 14+ pages of notes into 2 pages. But I will let you know how it goes. (I might even post the results here!)

So those are the praises.

Please pray for our son, Michael. He is having some health concerns right now. Kim will be driving out to Twenty-Nine Palms this morning to see him. We really don't know exactly what is going on, but should have more information later on. For now, just keep him in your prayers.

Anyway, need to get ready for class, shoot the video blog, and head out for the morning. Would love to hear from y'all!

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