Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Morning Day 3

So we are on break from class, and thought that I would take the opportunity to update. As I knew would happen, class is getting more spirited as we all start to get know one another and become more familiar and comfortable in sharing out thoughts. Questions about the continuity of the Mosaic covenant  in the New Testament have created a lot more tangential conversations than I think the professor was anticipating! But go figure.

Kim spent last night in Twenty-Nine Palms with Michael and Heather, but will be on her way back this afternoon. Please continue to pray for each of them.

Spent a lot of hours last night reading the Scripture. Fascinating stuff. :-) Reading the prophets with a specific eye toward the prophecies of the restoration of Israel in the end times, and the purpose for that restoration. Will be writing that paper tonight, and hopefully posting here tomorrow.

Back to class!

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