Sunday, June 17, 2012

Another Summer at Feinberg

Kim and I arrived in California this morning for another round of classes at the Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies. It was an early morning, the second early morning in a row for both of us, though I was up several hours earlier than Kim on Saturday, which is fairly standard for us. So we were up at 3:15am, to finish packing toiletries and such, and a good friend came by at 4:15am to take us to the airport.

The ride down was smooth, which was a good indicator for the rest of the morning. Our flight from Dulles to Long Beach was uneventful, though the person sitting behind Kim was quite rude. Or so she tells me, since I, apparently, was not conscious at the time. I have been blessed with the ability to sleep on planes. Often whether I want to or not.

We got into Long Beach about a half hour early. No problems with the bags, no problems with the rental car, really no problems at all. If you were reading this hoping to hear about all the problems, all of the things that went wrong so far on this trip, you will be disappointed. In fact, this is really a huge praise report.

After checking into the apartment that we will call home for the next month, (which also went smoothly, by the way), we went out to Walmart and purchased all of the things we are going to need for the apartment. This included food and beverage, and also dishwashing detergent, a sponge, paper towels, that sort of thing. We stopped and grabbed some lunch, and then went back to the apartment. However, by this time, to say that we were running out of steam would have been an understatement. Not only wasn't there any steam left, there was no more water to make more steam. Get it? We were tired. So we did what people in that circumstance usually do. We took a nap!

We lay down for about an hour or so. We had to set the alarm, because we didn't want to sleep too long and throw our schedules off too badly. After all, we are three hours behind where we were, so our bodies feel like it is three hours later than it is. It's almost 10:00pm here in La Mirada, California, but our bodies feel like it is 1:00am. No wonder I'm yawning!

Once we got up, we had a really nice conversation by phone with our son, Michael, who is stationed out here in Twenty-Nine Palms. It's about two and a half hours from where we are. So hopefully we will be able to spend a bunch of time with him before he deploys to Afghanistan. At the very least, Kim will be able to do that, even if I am unable because of school work.

Classes begin tomorrow. And I have to say that this is probably the LEAST prepared I have felt for a class in quite some time. The last few weeks have been truly crazy, and events played out in such a way as to prevent me from reading ahead, and preparing any of the work that will be due this week. But do not feel badly, because the priorities I have set are in the right order. My family has, and always will come first. So if the same things happen again, the same choices will be made, and I have no regrets about making them. None. And God will take care of the rest of it, even the school work. I am confident that He is in control.

So this is the place where you can stay connected with us while we are here. I would love to hear your comments about my comments, though I cannot guarantee that I will be able to respond to them all. But I will try. Much will depend on how the course work goes. Hope to hear from you soon!

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