Monday, June 25, 2012

Pre? Post? A? Huh?

So at the end of last week, I had set out the plan for this coming week. So far, I am actually a little bit ahead of schedule! I know! Go figure. I was able to get the study questions done that are due for today AND for tomorrow last night. That will give me time to study for the next test, which is tomorrow, and possibly get the other book read that I need to finish and write a review on by Thursday.

Last week we covered mostly the differences between some heady theological terms. They are terms that people have probably heard before, but may not really know what they mean. Although, to be honest, it has been my experience that just because people don't know what the words mean, doesn't mean they aren't experts on the subject!! I am talking about premillennialism, postmillennialism, and amillennialism.

Before you jump into the water, let me say that these things have nothing to do with the tribulation. That is, pre-trib or post-trib or mid-trib or whatever-trib addresses a different situation in eschatology. They all relate to the rapture and whether or not believers will be around to experience the tribulation. No, those other terms don't have anything to do with the tribulation or the rapture.

Rather, simply put, will there be a 1,000-year reign (a millennium) on the earth, and if so, when does that happen in history? That is the major talking point from the first week here. If you believe that there is going to be a 1,000-year reign of Messiah on earth, and you believe that said reign is still to come, you are premillennial. That is, you believe that we are living in a time, right now, that comes before a millennial kingdom. On the other hand, if you believe that there is going to be a millennium, but that the millennium has already begun and we are living in it right now, you are postmillennial. That is, you believe that we are living right now in a time that is after the start of the millennium. And of course, if you happen to believe that there is no such thing as a millennium, and there will be no reign of Messiah on earth for any period of time, you are amillennial.

Of course, this is a VERY simplified view, and there are scriptural discussions behind each one. I had always said that I was premillennial, though I admit I was probably one of those people who said it and really had no idea what I was talking about. However, I can tell you for sure, 100%, that I now KNOW that I am premillennial, and I can tell you why, though that is a topic for another time. I will simply share with you this fact. The only way that post- and amillennialism works is if you factor out Israel and the Jewish people altogether. I don't believe that, and frankly neither should you. I am not telling you what to believe (or maybe I am) but I know this. If God were able to toss aside the promises and prophecies regarding Israel, then there is no hope for any of the promises that He has made to us. And that isn't the God I serve. 

Anyway, it's just about time to head out for breakfast before class. Please remember us in your prayers, and be blessed!P