Saturday, June 23, 2012

Looking Ahead

Shabbat is over, we've just finished a sweet havdalah service with the other students, and we were blessed to have had Michael and Heather join us for it as well. They have headed on back to Twenty-Nine Palms, the other students have retired back to their apartments, and Kim and I have retreated back to ours to get ready for bed.

This week looks something like this. Tomorrow is going to have to be a reading day. There are study questions that are due on Monday, and there is another exam that we are taking on Tuesday. There is a book report (critical book review, actually) that is due on Thursday, for which I need to read a complete book, and that will take up a lot of any "extra" time that might creep into the schedule over the next few days.

The focus for this past week has been on eschatology, that is, a study of the last things. End times prophecy kind of stuff. And I have really had the opportunity to consider what I believed about it. My thoughts on the matter haven't changed. In fact, I am more confident of my position now than before I started. And that is a good things. To have your beliefs challenged, be required to defend them, and come out with an increased confidence in your belief is a good thing, especially when your defense is found in the Scripture. I am not saying that everyone will agree, I am simply saying that I know what I believe and why I believe it.

This coming week, the focus I think is shifting from eschatology to ecclesiology, which is a look at what the body of Messiah is supposed to be. I am really looking forward to it. I am also very grateful that the research paper that is due for this class, which was originally supposed to be due this coming week, was postponed until later this summer. This will give me the chance to be able to really put the time and effort into it that I think it deserves. And of course, when it's finished, I will try to make it available to you.

Kim's plans this week, if I can speak for her, I think are to spend some time with her friend Misti early on, perhaps even go over to Harvest Church with her tomorrow. Later this week, Michael is due to have another test to evaluate an ongoing medical concern, so Kim may end up heading back out to Twenty-Nine Palms mid-week. And in the meantime, I will have MORE than enough work reading, writing study questions, and a critical book review to keep me busy if she goes away.

Kim and I both are going to try to commit to a more regular video blog, and those will be shown at KSS on Shabbat, I believe. We will also try to make them available here, though I don't think I have ever tried to do that before. It should be interesting!

Kim and I really appreciate your prayers. Please continue to lift up Michael and Heather, Kim, me, the other students here, and the Feinberg program. For now, I need to get some sleep. Have to start reading right after breakfast. Good night.

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